
Bouldering topper Helsinki

11 mei 2017 - Roos de Boer

Arriving at our final destination: Helsinki. A great bouldering destination with multiple bouldering and climbing gyms. Not to mention the rocks all over the city with bouldering potential. Topper!

Either a short 2 hour boat trip from Helsinki. Or spending double the time on a luxureous cruise ship. We had a blast at the ship with live music, nice view and entertainment. From the harbour it was an hour walk to our accomodation, sight seeing the city on our way. Ended up being enough for one day and took a quiet evening. Bouldering we could only climb at one place, while having so many options in Helsinki. So we climbed at BoulderKeskus Pasila and visited two more gyms.

Boulderkeskus Pasila was not the best choice: quite small especially as half the walls were broken down for renovation. Explains why there were not any 4's and we warmed up with 5's. The level of the routes were clearly labeled at the start holds. The route continued with holds of the same colour. We had an okay session there and touched some 6's and 7's. Atmosphere is fine and nice climbers! 

Climbing gym Kiipeilyarena was awesome by the looks of it. High climbing area woth artificial rocks and a nice bouldering area, with nice Walltopia walls. Wish we could have tried it out!

Then Boulderkeskus Isatis was the best we have seen so far. Great overhang wall, huge area and interesting looking routes. Plus, a system with an app where you can track the climbed routes. Wantes to give it a try as well! Remarkebly there was no music on while we were there. Nice climbers but got a serious vibe.

We will be back, Helsinki!

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Boulder tours

Meer informatie


Boulderen is een leuke, spectaculaire tak van de klimsport. Zonder touwen klim je tot een hoogte van maximaal 4,5 meter. Doordat er een dikke mat onder ligt is vallen geen probleem. 

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Wat is de bouldertour?

Boulderen is een creatieve sport. Een deel van de uitdaging is het oplossen van de puzzel die de routebouwers voor je gemaakt hebben. Het is daarom erg leuk om af en toe naar een andere hal te gaan dan de hal die het dichts bij je in de buurt is. Andere muurvormen, andere grepen en vooral andere routebouwers zorgen voor leuke afwisseling.

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De eerste bouldertour in 2016 is naast Roos en Vincent ook door Elske helemaal "voltooid", maar er hebben veel meer mensen een gedeelte van de tour meegedaan. Dit vinden wij heel gezellig. Boulderen is namelijk ook een heel sociale sport.

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